Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sixth Grade Collagraphs

Collagraphs are a form of printmaking and consists of assembling different materials together.  The students had a variety of items to choose from for this project.  The overall theme was, "Winter."  I loved how these turned out.  The students also wrote a project reflection and I realized that a lot of the kids did not like how the print turned out different from the original collagraph.  Printmaking is tricky and does not show all of the details.  Overall, I believe they enjoyed the process.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Often teachers think printmaking is expensive and messy. But, by using "everyday items" like cardboard, foam, and textured papers, students can explore printmaking for pennies! I do this in my art classroom with paper, tape, and glue. The raised surfaces create really cool collagraphs! Thanks for sharing how you do this project in your classroom.
