Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Jacob Lawrence Project!

I truly enjoyed this project!  This artist really is a conversation starter.  We discussed slavery, Harriet Tubman, and so much more.  The students learned that Jacob Lawrence enjoyed bold colors, angular figures, and drawing every day scenes (although we talked about his political pieces, as well).  Fifth grade did a great job!

* Note: The information about the artist is turned around due to testing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Holton Rower Pour Paint Project

Holton Rower is a contemporary artist who uses many gallons of paint to create bright, colorful pieces.  His work reminds me of the early modern Color Field art style.  Sixth grade layered cardboard together to create height and then poured several colors on top of each other.  I love all the bands of color----what a fun, albeit messy lesson!!

To learn more about Holton Rower click on the link below:

Sixth Grade Playing Cards

 This was a long project, but the end results were totally worth it!  I love how creative some of the students got!  We discussed the proportions of the face and then used charcoal to make a print of our design.  The students chose a card character and then painted it in.  This one is Katie C's in Miss Kocher's class.  Nice work!

Moving on to ASIA!

 I am so excited to discuss Asian art!!!!  I have been excited to go here since the beginning of the year, but wanted to wait until the weather got nicer so we could make cherry blossoms!  More to come soon!