Sunday, March 29, 2015

Why the Zoo?

The Pittsburgh Zoo is a great place to take our art club students for many reasons! 

Last year I did an animal unit with sixth grade and I was amazed at their enthusiasm and art work.  We borrowed animal books from the library and each student chose one animal to draw.  In addition, the students had to research three facts about their animal.  This research prepared my art club kids for their Zoo trip last year and it was fun to hear them talk about the animals at the Zoo.

Students can also bring digital cameras to the Zoo to take pictures of the animals.  Once the sixth graders get to high school, they may enter their photos in the Scholastic competition.  This year, one of our own students, Eli Porbin (seventh grade), won a gold key and a trip to New York for his animal picture.  Congratulations Eli!!!

Field Trip to the Zoo!!!

I just want to take a moment to thank all the parents, teachers, and staff for purchasing flowers off of the art club!!!  I am amazed at how well this fundraiser turned out to be and am so appreciative of all the support!  We sold 185 flower pots total, which enables the elementary art club to go to the Zoo this Spring!  Thank you all for helping out our art club!

Shape Mobiles!

This lesson involved several parts!  First, we discussed what a mobile was and looked at the artist, Alexander Calder.  Then, we talked about Jackson Pollock and his splatter paint method-which we recreated during a messy, but fun art class.  Lastly, we discussed geometric shapes and their properties.  Some students made hearts, though:)  What a project!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Always Rise Above!

I was searching butterfly pictures for a lesson and I came across this quote!  Always rise above and keep looking forward! 

Shape Sail Boats and Mardi Gras Masks

This board is a little random, but I like the way it turned out anyway!  First grade practiced shapes and created lovely sailboats on the ocean.  Second grade learned about Mardi Gras AND Carnaval, Brazils "Mardi Gras." 

Dress Up As Your Favorite Character From a Book!

Miss Songer, Miss Janet, and I dressed up as The Three Blind Mice on Friday:)  Next year more planning will go into our characters, but we got a lot of laughs from our attires:) 

The Lorax Bulletin Board!!!

Reading Week!!!

My sixth grade Art Club had a blast making this banner for Read Across America week!  What a fun week!